Station Points
Catalyzing New Points of Reference
In June 2012, 19-teams of culinary and spatial designers developed structures called ‘Elevation Stations’ for a pop-up event called Elevate on a bridge over a concrete crushing yard within Omaha’s Interstate 80 corridor. Teams were encouraged to design their stations considering a catalyzing use for them after the event.
Several structures were revitalized during Omaha Creative Week as ‘Creative Sparks’ in various spaces around town. Grant Landreth and Chris Jansen’s 20-foot table etched with names and addresses of residences that previously stood where the Interstate now exists came to Dinker’s Bar and Grill, a South Omaha institution facing I-480. Brian Hamilton and Bob Trempe’s cardboard terrain created additional seating in parking spaces outside of Block 16 on 16th and Farnam, for the bustling downtown lunch crowd. The station created by EXis Design Shop, Contrivium Design and Urbanism, and Localmotive Food Truck hosted lunch at the proposed location for the new bus transfer station under the Interstate on the North side of the Double Tree Hotel. Much like the original event in June, these smaller installations were intended to provide new spaces and places to enjoy lunch and engage in conversation about the city past, present, and future.
New Points of Reference
In 2013 and 2014, 3-stations will be designed into vacant public spaces as catalysts for their rejuvenation. Much like how a surveyor establishes the station points from which she extrapolates an accurate reading of a site, the siting of these stations will create new vantage points, or points of reference, from which to experience places anew. The three stations and their intended locations include:
to-g(R)o: designed by Brian Hamilton and Bob Trempe at Field Club Trail and Leavenworth Street, owned by the City of Omaha;
PROJECT UPDATE: The Omaha Parks and Recreation Department did not approve the proposal and design for this installation at the head of the Field Club trail on Leavenworth Street. We explored several alternatives, first seeking private partnerships to implement the installation on nearby private property, but placing it on private property departed too far from the project goal of enlivening public space. One of to-g(R)o’s designers submitted a version of the installation to the City of Portland, Oregon where it was chosen as a competition winner, installed in a public space, and enjoyed by the community for a season. There have since been similar versions of the project’s intention and design adopted by San Francisco’s Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation, and the City Planning Department in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Slow Hands: designed by Andrew Conzett and Ryan Fischer, structure purchased by Jay Rybin, business owner on Vinton Street, to enliven a vacant lot behind his building, contingent on funding.
Surf and Turf: designed by Nancy Novak and Andrew Johnson, seeking site on the Missouri River near Steamboat Bridge in collaboration with various current initiatives.