Everything is built by someone who believed it should be.
The first phase of Emerging Terrain was built by many dedicated board members, design fellows, and funders who believed in the mission. Through these people’s gifts, Emerging Terrain has significantly contributed to the proactive practice movement. Thank you founders.
Board of Directors
Doug Bisson
Elaine Buescher
Richard Sutton
Carol Gendler
Christopher Bikus
Emily Bannick
Jen Amis
Urban Design Fellows
Nick Rebeck
Nick Soper
Sara Lum
Kayla Meyer
Sloan Dawson
Geoff DeOld
Emily Andersen
Stephen Osberg
Brad Howe
Peter Kiewit Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
H. Lee and Carol Gendler Charitable Fund
Nebraska Humanities Council
Omaha Community Foundation
Sherwood Foundation
Duncan Aviation
First National Bank
Gavilon Group
Carol Gendler
Marathon Realty Corporation
Mike and Susan Lebens
Omaha Steaks
Scoular Company
Paul and Annette Smith
Trumble Family Farms
Waitt Company/Dana Bradford
Warren Distribution
Amis Family Foundation
Big Wheel Brigade
Secret Penguin
Watie and Katie White
Batt Family Foundation
Kutak Rock
Anne Trumble
Roger and Kate Weitz
Jim and Sara Farley
Judy Lee
Scott and Cindy Makinster
Stephanie O’Keefe
Doug and Liz Bisson
Sharon Blackburn
Brian and Elaine Buescher
Hal and Mary Daub
Jannette Davis
Ryan Downs
Jenni Herchenbach
Rich and Fran Juro
Bill and Mary Ochsner
Mike and Susan Price
Duane and Monte Thompson
Carolyn Anderson
Ellie Archer
Lois Bailey
Creighton Bassett
Mike and Alicia Battershell
Catherine Bombere
Marjorie and Larry Brennan
Mary and Gary Day
Colin Dorwart
Linda Gardels
Garry Gernandt
Christian and Sonya Gray
Jamie Grayson-Berglund
Gregg and Michelle Grossman
Morgan Hecht
Helen Heller
Jason and Susan Hiley
Steve Jensen
Karissa Johnson
Reo Jones
Nikola Jordan
Bob and Lisa Jorgensen
Beverly Kracher
David Levy
Dan and Tina Lonergan
Laura Loughran
Loveland Garden Club
Amy Mather
James Meister
Douglas Miller and Delores McArthur-Miller
Thomas Miller and Emily Hatas
Lance Mosiman
Grant Mussman
Kristin Pluhacek
Carol and Rick Russell
Rybin Plumbing and Heating Co.
Barbara Schlott
Cindy Smiley
Richard and Connie Spellman
Ann Spence
Todd Swirczek
Susan Thomas and Steve Hutchinson
Wallace Thoreson/Mary Green
Visions Custom Framing
Verdis Group
Brandon and Christina Vogel
Corey and Andi Weber