The link below is a PDF information packet including all the details and requirements for your submission, as well as background information and images to guide your ideas. The deadline for all entries is 11:59pm CST on July 6. The jury will commence on July 9 to make the final selections which will be notified by July 12.
SP2: Call for Entries
Stored Potential is a large-scale installation covering the silos of a vacant grain elevator near downtown Omaha, Nebraska in order to reposition the structure in the landscape.
Stored Potential: Land Use, Agriculture, and Food was conducted in 2010 through an open call for submissions, and now Stored Potential: Transport(ation) is currently seeking submissions and will be installed Fall 2011. -
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For continued projects just as exciting as this one, consider a tax exempt donation to Emerging Terrain. Each online donor will receive something special in the mail from us! -
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Elaine Buescher
Richard Sutton
Anne Trumble
Carol Gendler
Doug Bisson
Magan Smith
Tim Smith
Nick Soper
Nick Rebeck
Lori Tatreau
Ashley Byars
Ron Safarik
Richard Brock
Jeff Day
Jamie Hand
JD Hutton
Holly McAdams
Mason White
Michelle Hartnett
Lyn Ziegenbein
Todd and Betiana Simon
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Kay Doyle
Gavin Atkinson
Dee Sylvis
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