Watching Tim Shew in the kitchen at La Buvette is like witnessing a craftsman who has practiced his trade for decades. He manuevers around the sparsely applianced, well aged space like second nature, while entertaining patrons eating and drinking at the bar with conversation about literature, obscure film, and his outdoorsman adventures. The ease by [...]
Category: Dinner
Baker Jacqui Caniglia works out of a non-descript one story green building on the corner of 29th and Harney that overlooks the whirling buzz of I-480. Only a small sign above the door, almost imperceptible to passerbyers, indicates the buildings use: LA CHARLOTTE-CANIGLIA PASTRIES. This modest, three inch tall sign is representative of the modesty [...]
This is a challenging chef blog to write, mostly because the experiences I have had at The Boiler Room leave me searching for words about food. I live life looking for nothing but great experiences and I think this is the only solid direction from which to approach this piece of writing. The Boiler Room [...]
You may wonder why we would include a ‘beermaster’ in our chef blogs. While not technically a chef, Tyson, and the folks at Nebraska Brewing Company approach their craft as many a chef may approach each and every plate leaving the kitchen. Tyson began his brewing career in 2004 as a self-taught homebrewer, brewing for personal [...]
Brigitte McQueen, the Manager of the UNDERGROUND with the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, and previous owner of Pulp — is once a month, without fail, asked the question: “Are you an artist yourself?” The habit of answering “No” began with a painful semester blowing glass in college, misshapen coffee mugs hidden in the basement [...]
Chef Brian O’Malley is associated with words like “passion”, “dedicated”, “pleasure”, “local”, “sustainable”, “mentor”, “excellence”, “active”, “integral”, “contributions”, “relevant”, “commitment”, “artisan”, “unbridled”, and “joy”. These descriptors are fitting to this chef instructor who plays a pivotal role in the local food movement in Omaha and the surrounding region and was the first chef consulted for [...]
If you are following our chef blogs, you may begin to think we view these individuals through rose colored glasses. In some ways this is true – as we went into this project not knowing what might transpire, or who would come forward. All we knew for sure is that we were committed to sleuthing [...]
One of the many great things about multiple tentacled projects like this is how one things leads to another. Parts of the project are adopted by others, parts of the project spin off into other projects, and great people lead to other great people. In the case of Chef Matthew Taylor, we were led to [...]
The seemingly large shifts Omaha has made as a city in the last 5 years can undoubtedly be attributed to the action and passion of individuals. For someone who has been away from it all during this time-frame, a return is met with more choices and perspectives, and vibrant burgeoning pockets in previously underutilized parts [...]
As we approach the final couple of banner blogs, perfectly timed with their installation on the almighty grain elevator beginning on September 13, we begin another exciting unveiling of the amazing team of chefs who have come together to breathe life into the October 3 500-person dinner. This event is truly shaping up to [...]