One week ago today seems like forever past. Although the events of last Sunday required an immense amount of planning and preparation, they unfolded in a fraction of the time. Monday morning brought what seemed like a deserted space, so vibrant and energy filled just a few hours prior. We gathered, we saw, we ate, we reflected, we toasted, we shook hands, and we departed slightly changed – a little more connected with our neighbors, our city, and a place within it so long forgotten in ambiguity was brought to life in a new way. The poetics of the juxtapositions of the project played out so close to the minds eye of the projects creators; infrastructure, scale, community, commodification, creativity, landscape, sustenance. Very satisfying indeed, and motivation to go on creating more.
It is truly impossible to thank the hundreds of folks who made the day happen; from paltry paid organizers working out of passion, artists who flew in from far away places, volunteer table setters, animated servers, dedicated chefs and their staff, farmers, iron workers, fabulous photographers, grain elevator owners, neighbors with wheelbarrows and rakes, large format printers, people with the city who lent a hand, and sponsors and supporters who offered financial resources to something unknown and unprecedented, and of course those who blindly purchased tickets; the list is massive. Thank you all.
Images courtesy Bryce Bridges Photographic & Andrey Mikityuk Photography
photos by
Bryce Bridges
Andrey Mikityuk
Corrie Suhr
Kameron Bayne
Steve Brock said,
October 11, 2010 3:03 am
One week later, I’m still in the afterglow of this superb event. Definitely in my top ten this year!