The link below is a PDF information packet including all the details and requirements for your submission, as well as background information and images to guide your ideas. The deadline for all entries is 11:59pm CST on July 6. The jury will commence on July 9 to make the final selections which will be notified by July 12.
Transport(ation): Call for Entries
Stored Potential is a large-scale installation covering the silos of a vacant grain elevator near downtown Omaha, Nebraska in order to reposition the structure in the landscape.
Stored Potential: Land Use, Agriculture, and Food was conducted in 2010 through an open call for submissions, and now Stored Potential: Transport(ation) is currently seeking submissions and will be installed Fall 2011. -
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For continued projects just as exciting as this one, consider a tax exempt donation to Emerging Terrain. Each online donor will receive something special in the mail from us! -
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