Stored Potential 2010

Stored Potential 1: Land Use, Agriculture, Food

In spring 2010, Emerging Terrain solicited submissions for 20’x80’ images to hang on the exterior of 13 silos that comprise a highly visible vacant grain elevator near downtown Omaha. Selected banners were chosen for their interpretation and representation of the interrelatedness between land use, food, and agriculture. The banners were to reside on the Omaha elevator for 3-4 months, and then travel to other prominent vacant elevators throughout the state. Due to positive public response, the banners will remain in Omaha for the life of the material. … Continued

SP1: Call for Entries

The information packet includes all the details and requirements for your submission, as well as background information and images to guide your ideas. The deadline for all submissions is 11:59pm CST on May 15 (extended to May 17 at 11:59pm CST).

Download the Stored Potential 1: Land Use, Agriculture, Food
Call for Entries PDF

SP1: Sponsors

This project is made possible through generous support from individuals and organizations who believe in the power of creativity and expression.  We cannot fully express our gratitude to the following supporters in this one-of-a-kind project:

Founder ($45,000+)
Peter Kiewit Foundation

Distinguished Benefactor ($24,000+)
Weitz Family Foundation

Banner Sponsors ($6,000)
Carol Gendler
Duncan Aviation
Marathon Realty
Omaha Steaks
The Scoular Company
Paul and Annette Smith
Trumble Family Farms
Warren Distribution

Contributors ($1,000-$1,500)
Kutak Rock, LLP
Bill March
Nebraska Arts Council
Richard and Lisa Sutton

Friends (up to $500)
Ellie Batt
Elaine and Brian Buescher
Hal and Mary Daub
Brad Knuth
Cindy and Scott Makinster
Richard and Fran Juro Charitable Fund

In-Kind Contributors
City of Omaha Zoning Board of Appeals, signage variance
City of Omaha Parks and Recreation, site preparation
Hanscom Park Neighborhood Association, community support
The Kroc Center, dinner preparation
The Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, hosting the jury
Terry Ferguson, Fraser Stryker, legal cousel
James Meister, legal counsel
Tom Prinz, office space
Four Eyes Are Better Than Two, dinner ticket design
… Continued

SP1: Dinner

Dinner tickets have sold out.

If you would like to be on a reserve list, please send an email to [email protected]

On October 3, 2010 at 2pm, over 500 people will gather at the base of the grain elevator and its temporary giant mural for a dinner of epic proportions. … Continued